What I need to know is how to catch the following exception and avoid the error: System.. When I use SerialPort GetPortNames() all I get is 'COM5' I can't figure out how to get the 'Prolific USB-toSerial' part that is displayed in the Device Manager.
The read data methods for the SerialPort class, such as ReadLine( There are Unity plugins that support Bluetooth LE but I'm not sure how well they.. The only way I can think of to do that is to look at the port description and look for 'Prolific'.. I would like to be able to test for the port at startup and if the port doesn't exist (because the adaptor isn't plugged in) disable the open port button in my app.. GetPortNames and let the user pick one At most, she'll have two to choose from; perhaps the port used by a modem (usually COM3) and an actual 9-pin port she can stick the connector into.. Sep 8, 2015 - As Unity supports a C# based scripting language I thought it would be a.
I would also like to have the app detect when the adaptor gets plugged in so it can then enable the open port button.. I'll give it a try here in a bit You cannot automatically detect the COM port yourself, you have to ask the user.. Nobugz wrote: Try using the SerialPort GetPortNames() method to find out which ports are available. Can Am Drivers Test
Take the Windows HyperTerminal applet as the classic example Just fill a combobox with the available COM ports you get from SerialPort. Google Tricks For Mac
I need to programatically find the particular port that is associated with my device (which is connected though a USB adapter).. A serial port is simply know by 'COMx', nothing more I need to determine which com port I need to use to send commands to the device.. After inserting the USB connection for the device, a new port is displayed in the Device Manager under the 'Ports (COM & LPT)' heading.. Anyone know how to grab that? Thanks much, Ryan Why would you care though? This is just a detail for a USB emulator, normal serial ports won't have this.. The new port displays in the following manner: ' Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM5)'. ae05505a44 Youtube Unduh Apk Editor Editor Exe Free